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Eldin Sadikovic  a gift from God bioenergy and release black magic

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Bioenergy carries life and complete information from the force that created us. Healing information it allows treatment of any disease Bioenergy translates as life energy (bios gr. Life). The very name tells us that it is the energy that brings life. Life force is the foundation of life and life processes. Without it, life would not exist. The main feature of bioenergy is Syntropy.

Bioenergy carries life and complete informiraciju of the forces that created us. Healing information it allows treatment of any disease

Syntropy is characteristic of living matter, living organisms and life itself. The force that harmonizes and regulates the relations between the various parts (atoms, molecules, cells ...) and enables their construction, connection, union and harmonious working as an organized whole (body)
While we are, our vertical position allows the dynamic flow of energy to the frequency of 8 Hz, which is the resonant frequency of our planet. Thus, the actions of all of our body active.
Earthly and cosmic energy
Energy filling the body occurs from Earth and from space. The force, which is down from space to the Earth's magnetic core, a cosmic energy that enters the body through the scalp. The second force created by rotation of the Earth, climbs up, allowing the Earth's energy that enters through the spinal base.
Since our planet is constantly spinning, energy from space and energy from the Earth does not enter the body directly, but on the wrong line, similar to a spiral. The resulting lines are similar to the double spiral DNA chain, with one end of which is the Cosmic and the other end, representing the Earth force.
"The flow of bio-energy makes life on our planet. Its smooth motion is essential for human health "
Bioenergy and body - the main channel, chakras, meridians
When energy travel through the body and spine, they are at some points together and intersect. The points of connection act as energy centers, which are in the East called chakras. In biotherapy these centers are "bodies", which accumulate, transform and direct the forces that pass through them. We know the seven basic and they are distributed along the spine.
Roads, which bioenergy benefits to moving the body and emotions called meridians. Meridians are present in humans, animals and plants. It is interesting that the meridians are located near nerves, indicating that energy and information transfers outside of nerves (skin effect). In this way, the process of reviving broken neural pathways in our therapy, becomes clearer.
Bioenergy and blood
A huge role in biotherapy play veins. While the blood circulating in the body, she also cleans and feeds. From our point of view, the blood is a special liquid charged with energy. Its presence in every part of the body gives the body life. Eldin Sadikovic

The energy charge and activity in the body is carried out automatically, or by laws or principles, which are the physical (body), mental (moral), emotional, mental and spiritual nature.
The amount of energy that has the people and forms that are constantly used, operating on its properties.
All effects are visible on the physical level and the physical bodies. Any well-being, health and disease can be attributed to past ultra vires, which are associated with our way of thinking, acting in life.
"Whole our body is constantly full and keep vitality, without which the existence possible"




The human body is a very complex system. Admirable is that a huge number of cells formed a single-acting body, which can be managed, and treat obskrbljivati ​​only.
The cells, molecules, atoms
The body is made of skin, bones, muscles, organs, tissues, cells, molecules, atoms. Atom is the smallest part, which chemically we can not separate us. From the point of view of quantum physics, our body consists of billions of billion billion atoms and the practically empty. This is a quantum body. We of course do not see your body in such a way, because you're looking through a regular, rather than a "quantum" eyes, which would learn subatomic level structure of the body. (Stark, 2011)
 The body is an empty space that is full of electromagnetic events!
The body is not tough set of molecules, cells and organs. In the depths of the body and every matter is empty space, which is full of elektromagnetnihdogađanja. Man's jtelo is also energy and information field, which is in dynamic interaction with the biochemical processes of cells.
Electricity in the body
An important feature of the body and all its bricks is electricity, electrical and electromagnetic field. A number of structures have an electric charge, membrane cells, proteins, free radicals and other.
By the principle of electricity we operate the heart, nervous system and brain.
Healing wounds, injuries and inflammation also works on the principle of electrical activity (galvanotaksija) and not only on the principle of attraction of inflammatory cells through the release of chemical substances (chemotaxis).
 The body and Bioenergy
We can not screw equalize electric charge and electricity in the body with bioenergy! It is important to know that with biotherapy usjpešno ,, repair the electrical system, "living being.

Bioenergy remotely
Bioenergy remotely technique is applied to customers who are unable to come to direct treatments.
The effect of treatment on the distance is slightly weaker than the direct treatment, therapeutically or is more demanding. Bioenergy remotely apply in cases where people are unable to attend the regular treatments and have health problems that would like to solve with the help of bio-energy.




I>>>> IMPORTANT <<<<
Last picture must not touch the person on which to work treatments (rub between your hands), and put upreporučenu shipment.
If you send a letter to the medical records do not connect with the photo in the same envelope more particular in special!
The image can be sent by mail or delivered in person at the office.
For more details and information related to tretname distance, feel free to contact me here ... 0038765184598 Eldin Sadikovic
  Navigation on the website with the theme: Bioenergy remotely 

Energy intersection (chakra) energy channels (meridians) in man:
Energy points - chakra
The first is located at the beginning of the spine, place the rump, is associated with the adrenal gland and controls the spine and kidneys, red in color and is managed by the bodies of the sensations of pleasure / pain
The second is located above the genitals, four fingers below the navel, orange is the color associated with the sexual glands and affects the playing system
The third is located in the stomach area, yellow in color and affects our mental and linear thinking, associated with pancreas that regulates blood sugar levels
The fourth is located above the sternum, green in color, and is associated with the thymus, which significantly affects the immune system
Fifth light-blue, lies in the throat and acts on the thyroid gland and controls the metabolism, bronchial and voice system, the lungs and digestive tract
Sixth indigo blue, is also called the "third eye" or "eye of wisdom", is in the middle, above the root of the nose, is associated with the pituitary gland, and manages a small brain, left eye, nose, ears and nervous system
8th lilac color, lying on top of the head, just behind the top of the head, corresponds to the pineal gland and manages a large brain, right eye, nerve and muscle system, and skin.
Kirlian photography hands, fingers and body clearly show a portion of the electromagnetic sheath man:

Bioenergy is a very effective method for all diseases and ailments, especially those diseases that the medical system is considered incurable. This method is recommended as a highly effective for prevention, or to raise the immune system and maintain good circulation.
Within the powerful magnetic field of oxygen gets its true meaning. The oxygen within the cells active during energy transformation and a communicator higher level of energy within the parameters of the earth's magnetic field.
Was made of energy and material, between which the blood is circulated. It was the blood of both matter and energy, and because oxygen paramagnetic characteristics of blood in the body acts as a converter the earth and cosmic energy. All forces of the universe, including the force of human consciousness are transforming cosmic energy.
Our complete physical and mental bodies constantly supply life energy, without which life would not be possible. This energy feels from Earth, and from the height and it makes life on our planet.
Oxygen in the body
Because the whole life, universal energy changes as meridians and energy channels that are present in humans, plants and animals. Energy flows in the vicinity of nerves, and the information and energy are transmitted outside the nerve and thus produce the appearance of the skin effect. The body's energy system, which is in constant interaction with its environment that surrounds and alternates. Due to this fact there are understandable process of reviving ailing news flow, as the onset of treatment bioenergy Eldin Sadikovic
 In addition to working three methods of bio-energy deals and other treatments ----
Treatment of bioenergy is a natural treatment that people use since ancient times. This is the most natural treatment without any side effects and the like which could be harmful to us. There is no chemistry, unlike medicine, bioenergy people really heal. Energy is informed and when enters the body chooses a bigger problem, then lower. In the spiritual world energy can be used only in white light.
Cure all diseases (not to mention I will single out only some) sugar, blood pressure, migraine, problems of the spine, hips, knees, all male and female problems, all kinds of chronic inflammation do not clean etc. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. All the problems of internal organs, mental problems and so on. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
Some of the divided brain functions are given in the following table:
Left side
respond to verbal instructions
logical processing problems
observed differences
plans and combines
likes clear information
observed speech and writing
selects the clear choice
controlling emotions
weight authoritarian structure
see division
see cause and effect
reacting the indicated instruction
intuitive process problems
noticed similarities
spontaneous and connects similarities
likes vague and imaginative information
observed drawing and Moving Images
likes open questions
weighs large in emotions
weight collaborative structure
see connection
see the analogy and structural similarity
20 - 40 Hz - High beta wave state ................................... stressful situation
12-20 hertz - beta waves .......... complete alertness, a state of full concentration
7-12 hertz - alpha waves ........................ complete relaxation, before sleep
4-7 hertz - theta waves ....................................... REM sleep, dreaming
0.1 to 4 hertz - delta waves ........................... dreamless sleep, deep sleep states
Therapy and successful treatment is higher than 90-percent. Annually in our center pass more than 2000 people.
All who are satisfied with the treatment can last after therapy leave the money in an envelope and to the extent decide for themselves, but this option is only man's free choice, just like the choice whether to classical medicine choose and bioenergy as the possibility of healing

All sessions must be done face-to-face to ensure the most accurate results. Please contact us for any personal queries

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